Ongoing endophyte research in the lab featured on TV station KBTX (Bryan/College Station, TX):
<iframe src=’′ width=’640′ height=’360′ frameborder=’0′ scrolling=’none’ style=’max-width:100%’></iframe>
(Direct link here. Trouble embedding this one)
Significant yield gains with Indigo Cotton:
Here’s a Mormon cricket migratory band in action.
I shot it near Dinosaur National Monument in NE Utah while conducting fieldwork with Pat Lorch and Darryl Gwynne. Even though the quality isn’t that great, it has been used lots of times on various TV and online news reports.
It doesn’t get much cooler than this:
Unless, perhaps, you are in Australia and get the chance to see a migratory band of Australian Plague locusts like this:
***Thanks to Jerome Buhl for the Australian Plague locust video.
Here’s a video from National Geographic about our Mormon cricket radiotracking efforts.
(Direct link here. This one doesn’t play well sometimes.)
This is a neat one about Mormon crickets produced by New Scientist. It features some of the actual videos we used to quantify the nutritional state of Mormon crickets while marching in migratory bands.